Design Think & Creative Leadership | Strategic Problem Solving
20917 RAPTOR RAW Advertisement for Private Label Catalog Edition (banner).jpg

Raptor RAW Branding

Raptor sourced a new and improved line of products, and needed a sub-brand to help communicate the nature of the improved quality, and needed to create a buzz and awareness to support the product launch.

To solve this need, Marketing came up with Raptor RAW for the name. I designed the logo, enhanced look and feel, packaging, ads, and helped ideate and concept Ferguson's first private label commercial.

In addition to the design and ideation, I came up with all the verbiage surrounding the campaign. The idea behind "Work Like A Beast" was to help associate with the animalistic nature of the Raptor brand, and speak to the powerful and strong nature of the new and improved materials used for the blades. The implication is twofold, that the blades as well as the user of the blades are strong, hard working, and will get the job done.

Full Raptor RAW Lockup & Shortened Lockup

Full Raptor RAW Lockup & Shortened Lockup

Raptor Raw Blades Commercial

Inspired stakeholders and helped initiate the creation of a Raptor RAW commercial to help promote awareness of new and improved product rollout. I helped ideate with the Ferguson Production Studio, reviewed the script and video proofs, provided content and assets, as well as conceptualized some voiceover mockups.

This was Ferguson's first Private Label video advertisement. It is displayed  in nationwide rotation on all Ferguson trade counter in-store digital signage.

20917 RAPTOR RAW Advertisement for Private Label Catalog Edition 4.jpg
20405 Raptor RAW Recip Blade and Hole Saw Spec Sheets-both.jpg